'Despite the high number of operations I carry out a year ( more than 800 ) the only, and also successful aim, for me is the maximum satisfaction of the patients undergoing these operations.'
Under his directorship the Clinic of Plastic Surgery at the First Faculty of Medicine at Charles University at the hospital Na Bulovce, similarly the private clinic ESThÉ, all became the most sought-after workplaces for plastic and aesthetic surgeons in the Czech Republic. Amongst his many rolls we can, at random, remind ourselves of several of his achievements:
Dr. Jan Měšt‘ák PhD., is the Head of the Clinic of Plastic Surgery at the First Faculty of Medicine of Charles University in the Prague hospital Na Bulovce, and also the Head of the Centre for the comprehensive surgical care of woman with breast disease at the same hospital. In addition, he is the Head of Surgery at the private clinic ESThÉ. He holds the position of the Head of the subdepartment of the plastic surgery Institute for post-graduate education within the health service, an area of education aimed at training future plastic surgeons.
Dr. Měšťák graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at Charles University in Prague. Following his Qualification from general surgery he worked for more than 20 years at the Third Clinic of Plastic Surgery at the Faculty of Medicine of Charles University in Prague, where he also received his doctorate. Apart from his general plastic surgery, his activities in scientific research were aimed mainly towards the problems of facial cleft palates. He has published, whether as author or co-author, more than 100 pieces of expert literature. He has collaborated in several monographs in the field of plastic surgery and participated in creating instructional texts for audiences at the medical faculty and in several researches on behalf of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic. For many years he held the position of Home (main ) Secretary for the committee for problematic plastic surgery at the Ministry of Health in the Czech Republic for science and research. Řadu let působil ve funkci tajemníka Hlavní problémové komise plastické chirurgie Ministerstva zdravotnictví ČR pro vědu a výzkum.
Associate Professor Měšt’ák has been a member of the company board of plastic surgery of the Czech medical company, Jan Purkyně, for over 30 years (ČLS JEP), a member of the board and first vice-president of the Company for Aesthetic Surgery ČLS JEP, the recipient of the certificate of expertise from this company, also a member of the International Company for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery IPRAS and the company promoting the use of lasers in medicine ČLS JEP. In addition, he is a member of the groups working for the scientific Council for the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic, a member of the accreditation committee for the same Ministry, where he also holds the position of Chairman and is a member of the committee for Qualification in the field of plastic surgery for the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic.
“Despite the high number of operations I carry out a year (more than 800) the only, and also the successful, aim for me is the maximum satisfaction of the patients undergoing these operations.“